Dealing with death in Spain: What arrangements do I have to make?

Although this is a fairly unpleasant subject to have to think about and plan for, not doing so can create more stress for your loved ones at an already traumatic time. Because this is something that people try to put off planning for, and therefore have little information on, I will give a brief summary on how to you have to proceed in these cases if you need to report the death of a family member or arrange the burial, cremation or the repatriation of remains outside Spain.

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Non-Resident Income Tax: What is it and why do I have to pay it?

As you may remember, I have referred to this tax in previous posts without fully explaining what it entails exactly. Here is a breakdown of the key facts of Spanish Non-Resident Tax.

The determining factor regarding what kind of Income Tax a natural o legal person pays in Spain is residence. Residents pay regular Income Tax (IRPF) or Corporation Tax (IS), and non-residents, both natural and legal persons, pay must pay Non-resident Income Tax (IRNR).

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Living and working in Spain

As we all know, citizens of EU and EEA member states are allowed free movement throughout the Spanish territory. This is in theory. In reality, since 11th July 2012, the conditions for residence in Spain for more than 3 months have become much stricter.

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Changes to Inheritance Tax in Spain: Are you entitled to a tax rebate?

Since the summer of 2014 there has been a wide media coverage on the EU ruling affecting Spanish Inheritance and Gift Tax. The existing tax legislation in Spain, at that time, created a situation of unequal tax treatment depending on whether the deceased and/or the inheritors were Spanish residents or not.

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